PXP / Rank | 6332 · Hero ? |
Location | Somewhere |
Special Ability | Procrastination |
Player Experience Points (PXP)
You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.
You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.
It is updated up to an hour after each session.
Profile Ranks
0 | Apprentice |
100 | Wanderer |
1000 | Adventurer |
5000 | Hero |
10000 | Avatar |
20000 | Legend |
30000 | Immortal |
Close Window
Characters 100+
Treasures 9
Followers 20 / 155
Membership | Advanced |
Joined | 09.24.2017 |
Last Visit | 01.26.2025 |
XP Recv'd | 641 |
XP Given | 0 |
A mysterious stranger with many secrets...
Mokudo the Training Dummy | 80 xp | GM: second | |
Luck the Magic Historian | 51 xp | GM: darkwanderer | |
Cora the Wip | 50 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Halo the Shadowed Spear | 50 xp | GM: awildbeat | |
Salem the Lolic Arcane User | 36 xp | GM: bluephoenix | |
Tanner the Field Medic | 25 xp | GM: 3paul7 | |
Ghira the Undeath Inn Keeper | 14 xp | GM: bluephoenix | |
Kona the Healer | 13 xp | GM: lunarglare | |
Aerith the Elven Healer | 12 xp | GM: dshiv095 | |
Ferna the Ambitious One | 11 xp | GM: oman1666 | |
Manny the Soldier | 11 xp | GM: ddrage | |
Holis the Earthened Runekeeper | 10 xp | GM: teriasfaldom | |
Tanyth the Stone Giant | 8 xp | GM: elderprince | |
Tredon the Reckless Fighter | 8 xp | GM: isxsix | |
Farren the Caster | 6 xp | GM: derekmelton | |
Kira the Orphaned Warrior | 6 xp | GM: bluephoenix | |
Aaron the Soldier | 5 xp | GM: thepoofy | |
Kane the Bunny | 5 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Ocean the Enchained | 5 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Amu the Mystical Blacksmith | 5 xp | GM: feital | |
Banana the Banana Knight | 5 xp | GM: 3paul7 | |
Anthony the Security | 5 xp | GM: yashthekid | |
Ana the Young Fighter | 5 xp | GM: spoiderman | |
Amanda the Gluttonous Study | 4 xp | GM: johntom | |
Yultr the One Who Existed | 4 xp | GM: jungle | |
Creed the Faceless Mute | 4 xp | GM: mangojim1 | |
Tal'Ek the Guardian Candidate | 4 xp | GM: elderprince | |
Lota the Eagle Eyed Alchemist | 4 xp | GM: lokiodinson | |
Gale the Blizzard | 4 xp | GM: 862ian | |
Miranda the Firestorm | 3 xp | GM: jungle | |
Yuth the Fortune Teller | 2 xp | GM: lobbelbob | |
Day the Wip Twin | 2 xp | GM: tt38 | |
Sunra the Eternal Sands | 2 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Kollan the Abomination | 2 xp | GM: dramaticque | |
Jared the Igneous | 2 xp | GM: mangojim1 | |
Kali the Performing Warrior | 2 xp | GM: 10mason | |
Aiko the Devouring Scroll | 1 xp | GM: finesse | |
Damien the Hunter | 0 xp | GM: tarasrex | |
Kalen the Air Head | 0 xp | GM: lovecraftian | |
Lecra the Healing Mushroom | 0 xp | GM: kilton23 | |
Ellyon the Crow Lady | 0 xp | GM: krentell | |
Aidyn the Huntsman | 0 xp | GM: llamascanfly | |
Vakyl the Wip | 0 xp | GM: papafrog | |
Alythea the Bright Eyed Wanderer | 0 xp | GM: mastergame44 | |
Merida the Wip | 0 xp | GM: eggyolkboi | |
Lydia the Wip | 0 xp | GM: whoptop | |
Eryn the Wip | 0 xp | GM: sirslaughter | |
Onami the Aspiring Student | 0 xp | GM: xanimegeekx | |
Rebyn the Wip | 0 xp | GM: jungle | |
Aatryx the Wandering Wind | 0 xp | GM: quinndjinn | |
Gabrielle the Young Trainer | 0 xp | GM: yoboi | |
Alityr the Wip | 0 xp | GM: minty | |
North the Weathered Outcast | 0 xp | GM: klaimsas | |
Wip the Wip | 0 xp | GM: yoboi | |
Kultyr the Embodiment of Nature | 0 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Klaus the Wip | 0 xp | GM: vechmaster | |
Kayle the Aspiring Valkyrie | 0 xp | GM: beastking | |
Touma the Wip | 0 xp | GM: necrofu | |
Dy'uth the Wizardess | 0 xp | GM: darthdracula | |
Vayle the Hunter | 0 xp | GM: lichwood | |
Kyrian the Wip | 0 xp | GM: trotrigar | |
Koruk the Wip | 0 xp | GM: diesuki | |
Damien the Wip | 0 xp | GM: sqrtangerine | |
Type the Wip | 0 xp | GM: rideon | |
Arynn the Wip | 0 xp | GM: dshiv095 | |
Garett the Wip | 0 xp | GM: whoptop | |
Gareth the Wip | 0 xp | GM: whoptop | |
Aiden the Walking Inferno | 0 xp | GM: eternallist | |
Amantaeya the Solar Mage | 0 xp | GM: theinfpug | |
Cassy the Wip | 0 xp | GM: johntom | |
Amelia the Wip | 0 xp | GM: lokiodinson | |
Anora the Wip | 0 xp | GM: lokiodinson | |
Nonr the Traveler | 0 xp | GM: otisjustotis | |
Nike the Valkyrie | 0 xp | GM: feralmist | |
Nema the Wip | 0 xp | GM: araldyn | |
Younn the Wip | 0 xp | GM: joey1234567 | |
Micheal the Wip | 0 xp | GM: aidar | |
Kayden the Mercenary | 0 xp | GM: dropdead | |
Samantha the Mechanic | 0 xp | GM: dropdead | |
Aranair the Whispering Woods | 0 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Kana the Blue Crest Soldier | 0 xp | GM: caviar | |
Nora the Wip | 0 xp | GM: megainferno | |
Aaron the Rogue | 0 xp | GM: anesthesia04 | |
Ronin the Wip | 0 xp | GM: mushroom | |
Ninety-One the Entropy | 0 xp | GM: thepoofy | |
Korus the Embracing | 0 xp | GM: busofdoom | |
Ninety-One the Shadow Being | 0 xp | GM: awalnut | |
Antha the Wilted Ranger | 0 xp | GM: greenranger9 | |
Kolus the Wip | 0 xp | GM: xenotheoddst | |
Collin the Field Doctor | 0 xp | GM: lokiodinson | |
Casey the Neighbor | 0 xp | GM: anesthesia01 | |
Korus the Encompassing | 0 xp | GM: 3paul7 | |
Miranda the Young Adventurer | 0 xp | GM: eternallist | |
Allison the Field Medic | 0 xp | GM: mysteryman21 | |
Myrri the Bloodied Arcane | 0 xp | GM: trotrigar | |
Jana the Knightguard | 0 xp | GM: xenotheoddst | |
Uthr the Small Titan | 0 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Hultr the Fallen Soldier | 0 xp | GM: wifi | |
Kultr the Wip | 0 xp | GM: timbotr0n | |
Rune the Wandering Mage | 0 xp | GM: timbotr0n |
Beta Tester | |
Wanderer - 100 pxp | |
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp | |
Hero - 5,000 pxp |
Following 10 GMs | |
Following 50 GMs | |
Played with 5 GMs | |
Played with 10 GMs |