Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 3420  ·  Adventurer ?
Location USA
Special Ability Yes
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  54
Treasures  9
Followers  63 / 41
Membership Advanced
Joined 01.31.2019
Last Visit 10.14.2024
XP Recv'd 86
XP Given 358
Somewhat in the middle, More then some, as much as i can.
i will probably allow it...
Beth the The Casher 10 xp GM:  zephyr94
Harper the Combat Guy 8 xp GM:  chorcon
Pepper the Wildcard 8 xp GM:  jungle
Chel the The Smuggler 8 xp GM:  derekmelton
Yaz the God of Commerce 7 xp GM:  pyrak
Jessie the Lariat 6 xp GM:  eternallist
Jax the Mercenary 6 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Jack the Pilot 5 xp GM:  pyrak
Sixteen the Swamp Slasher 5 xp GM:  thepoofy
Jozz the Bounty Hunter 5 xp GM:  badluckguy
Chel the Unlucky One 5 xp GM:  elderprince
Jamie the Hacker 4 xp GM:  cohaki
Raz the Wildcard 4 xp GM:  eternallist
Malcom the Brawler 3 xp GM:  bustamark
Caden the The Greaser Vampire 2 xp GM:  austintm
Haper the The Highwayman 2 xp GM:  andreil
Malcryan the Crook 1 xp GM:  pyrak
Mike the Mobster 1 xp GM:  sumdonkas
Theo the Streat Thug 0 xp GM:  kilton23
Tho the Street Thug 0 xp GM:  kilton23
Oswald the Nerd 0 xp GM:  mastergame44
Jack the Supervillain 0 xp GM:  lovecraftian
Mike the Gangster 0 xp GM:  derekmelton
Luke the Brawler 0 xp GM:  eternallist
Harper the Merc 0 xp GM:  pyrak
Malcom the Criminal 0 xp GM:  fenriswolf91
Havoc the Mastermind 0 xp GM:  nexil
Malcryan the Assassin 0 xp GM:  wifi
Jack the Theft 0 xp GM:  verysadgirl
Malcom the Badboy 0 xp GM:  vechmaster
Malcolm the Highway Man 0 xp GM:  wifi
Louis the Treasure Hunter 0 xp GM:  finesse
Shichi the Random 0 xp GM:  pyrak
Jack the Magic Guy 0 xp GM:  cohaki
Lucy the Fake Blond 0 xp GM:  gongrath
Mal the Highwaymen 0 xp GM:  jungle
Lucy the Wolf 0 xp GM:  veltmazing
Alex the Brain 0 xp GM:  thegobbler
Eddie the Everything Robber 0 xp GM:  sqrtangerine
Nux the Orc Mercy 0 xp GM:  nason22
Jimmy the Crazy One 0 xp GM:  justjoined
Malcom the Nerd 0 xp GM:  florenceano
Luke the Highway Man 0 xp GM:  darkabsol
Edd the Man Mountain 0 xp GM:  megapizza
Joey the The Strang Scavenger 0 xp GM:  justjoined
Malcom the Electric Man 0 xp GM:  dropdead
Malcolm the Ex Mobster 0 xp GM:  minty
Grimm the Barbaric Lunatic 0 xp GM:  mixomitosis
Kal the The Highwaymen 0 xp GM:  mixomitosis
Jason the The Pyro 0 xp GM:  mysteryman21
Jason the Smiter of Evil 0 xp GM:  timbotr0n
Jax the God of the Wild 0 xp GM:  jungle
Johny the The Highwaymen 0 xp GM:  bustamark
Luke the Cutthroat 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs