Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 304  ·  Wanderer ?
Location Oregon
Special Ability Can use chop sticks
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  35
Treasures  6
Followers  31 / 99
Membership Advanced
Joined 04.08.2016
Last Visit 12.12.2020
XP Recv'd 37
XP Given 0
Setting up characters sheet

Description (your character not your actual person)


little about yourself:

starter weapon of choice, (shortsword, bow, staff, spear, mace, Axe.)
Benny the New Guy 15 xp GM:  zomb
Ragir the Ironbone 10 xp GM:  andreil
Hamrel the Rogue 8 xp GM:  noobgod
Larith the Lengedary Dwarf 4 xp GM:  thehunter778
Tarlith the Dwarven Cleric 0 xp GM:  first
Elmin the Stonepeak 0 xp GM:  nexil
Aryter the Cryomancer 0 xp GM:  trdragonking
Aryter the Cryomancer 0 xp GM:  advent
Ragir the Stonepeak 0 xp GM:  fremkun
Ragir the Ironboned 0 xp GM:  advent
Tarvin the Dwarf Cleric 0 xp GM:  ardaighfola
Tarlith the Dwarven Cleric 0 xp GM:  pear
Wes the Creative 0 xp GM:  papafrog
Tarlith the Dwarven Cleric 0 xp GM:  novagames23
Poop the Pooper 0 xp GM:  randysavage8
Tarlith the Palidan 0 xp GM:  quentin
Benny the Cup-half-full 0 xp GM:  gongrath
Benny the Newbie 0 xp GM:  hustle
Jack the Charminghacker 0 xp GM:  arminius
Baver the Wizard 0 xp GM:  noobgod
Benny the Ghetto Docter 0 xp GM:  kingdevyn
Tarlith the Cleric 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Character the Sample 0 xp GM:  scrubblord
Zarfu the Mage 0 xp GM:  scrubblord
Elmorc the Ranger 0 xp GM:  scrubblord
Tarlith the Barbarian 0 xp GM:  scrubblord
Wiltumal the Palidan 0 xp GM:  scrubblord
Ben the Cyborg 0 xp GM:  ejay8008
Lofith the Stubborn 0 xp GM:  link2345
Elmor the Couragous 0 xp GM:  pimi
Elmon the Traveler 0 xp GM:  unicow
Ilrune the Cleric 0 xp GM:  nove
Barkon the Couragous 0 xp GM:  thunderstar
Ben the Trusty Friend 0 xp GM:  papafrog
Dakken the Chaotic-good 0 xp GM:  papafrog
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Following 50 GMs