Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 1518  ·  Adventurer ?
Location hidden
Special Ability make wonder storys
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  7
Treasures  5
Followers  44 / 8
Membership Advanced
Joined 02.08.2017
Last Visit 01.30.2022
XP Recv'd 6
XP Given 242
for fun and pain and stuff
Nothing else

1st chapter land of forsaken pain
Shadows and orcs and more dominant the land of pandora
Jiggle the former god lost his power to his 1st creation Villen or Vi for short he and king jack of Pandora and Sir Joe the knight follows him for he saved him from the shadows and orc when the city of willowsand fell to be pillage by the orcs and feasted upon by the Shadows
Death the God of Death 100 xp GM:  kungfuboy
Villen the White God 100 xp GM:  kungfuboy
Jigglesaw the Blacken Hope 49 xp GM:  kungfuboy
Amor the Hochmeister 6 xp GM:  darkwanderer
White the White God 0 xp GM:  kungfuboy
Joshua the Black Hope 0 xp GM:  kungfuboy
Hassen the Dwarf God 0 xp GM:  insomniakid
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp